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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Creating Memories during Festival Periods

One of the periods that we parents can create fun, excitement and good memories for our kids is during festivals. For example, for the coming Chinese New Year we have an opportunity to create wonderful memories for our children.

Doing certain activities like buying new clothes together (not just buying for them but taking the kids to try and buy TOGETHER even though it may take longer and is probably more stressful for us), decorating the house together, eating certain foods etc will create many happy memories for your child.

I know this very well because my own mother passed away when I was 10. I don't remember much about her but I do remember all those activities we did together during festivals. I remember the foods she used to cook during the festivals too.

I recall that during CNY she used to make steamed nian koh rolled in coconut and we kids would wait around with our forks ready and eat them almost before they came out of the steamers! Lol! Sometimes she dipped them in batter and fried them and we loved that too. I remember she used to make bak chang (glutininous rice dumplings) during the bak chang festival and we would sit around trying to learn how to wrap them with her.

All these activities leave a deep impression in my mind and I want to leave the same kind of impression and happy memories for my children. I don't know how to bake or cook as well as my mum but I'll make sure I get the kuih bangkit and kuih kapit and enjoy eating them with my kids. After just one or two years of eating the kuih bangkit they are looking forward to eating the little white animal cookies this year.

Special Family Routines and Activities help create wonderful memories for our children.

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